Looking for Mr. Tajju (8)

Bahasa Duri

Male ntiro ambe' Tajju'

A1: Assalamu alaikum.
B1: Alaikum salam warahmatullahi wabarakatu.
A2: Iamoraka tee bolana ambe' Tajju'?
B2: Iamo, endekki' de'.
A3: Ie', ma'namo jolo'. Iti' unarika ambe'?
B3: Ta'dei, malei lako bara'bahna.
A4: Mela'raka pole?
B4: Mbai karuenpi dau.
A5: Ma'namo pale' kumale jolo'. Doppa dau karuen kuratu pole'.
B5: Ie'.



Looking for Mr. Tajju

A1: May you be in peace.
B1: May you also be happy, and always find mercy, and continuously find favour.
A2: Is this Mr. Tajju's house?
B2: Yes, please come in.
A3: I'll just stay here ig that's okay. Is he home?
B3: He's not here. He went to his garden.
A4: Will it be long before he comes home?
B4: Some time this evening.
A5: I'll just go now then. This evening I'll come again.
B5: Okay. See you. 

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