Verse of the day

Mpatarruhhi kadan-Na Puang Isa lako tobuda ntuu jio nakua, "Majaga kamu', miingaran meloi, danggi' mimadoang nnassang sininna apa lan tee lino. Nasaba' ia to katuoanna tau te'da napole jio mai kasugiran, moi nasugih lallang."

Luke 12:15

Greetings of peace 

to all brothers and sisters!

In this site you can read texts in the Duri language. The Duri people live in South Sulawesi, Indonesia and around 120 000 people speak the language. On this site you can also read the Gospel or listen to the books of the prophets. If you have any question please click the Contact at the end of the page. Hope you will enjoy this site, and if you have some feedback please contact us.

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