Bahasa Duri
Nasu cemba
A1: Nasu apa sanganna tuu?
B1: Disanga nasu cemba.
A2: Matumbara ke dikabua'i?
B2: Dipasusi tee:
1. Ia to dipake: Juku' tedong ia'rika juku' sapin.
2. Ia to dipalakoanni: Lengkuah, sarre, panah, lessuna pute, lessuna lea, lessuna darong, katumbar ci'di', daun salam sanglambah, pamba'te kaluku, daun cemba sola kaindi' ci'di'.
Ia ke dinasumi dipasusi tee:
Diirahhi to tedong mane' ditu'tuk bumbunna.
Ia to ditu'tuk: ramica, katumbar, lessuna pute, lessuna lea, panah, kaindi' sola kunyi'.
Ia to te'da naditu'tuk: lengkuah, sarre, lessuna darong, daun cemba.
Iana puramo ditu'tuk, ditumisi'mi namane' dipasirau ngasan, namane' dinasu angge maluo. Iana maluomo ditumisitanmi lessuna lea ci'di', namane' diangka'i na dikande.
A dish called nasu cemba
A1: What is the name of that dish?
B1: ”Nasu Cemba”.
A2: How is it made?
B2: Here’s how, these ingredients are used:
1. Carabao meat of beef.
2. The spices: galingale, citronella, ginger, garlic, shallots, leeks, a little coriander, one bay leaf, roasted grated coconut, tamarind leaves, and a little bit of macademia nuts.
It is prepared like this:
You cut up the meat, then you pound spices.
What is pounded: the white pepper, coriander, garlic, shallots, ginger, macademia nuts and turmeric.
What is not pounded: the galingale, citronella, leeks and tamarind leaves.
When you have finished pounding, you saute the spices and mix everything together. Then you boil it until cooked.
When cooked, you add a little of the shallots which were already sauted. The dish may then be served and eaten.