Full Moon (37)

Bahasa Duri

Sampe bulan

A1: Penpiranmira to bulan too?
B1: Pessangpulo a'pa'mi to bulan.
A2: Tatte' pirara namamula ollong to bulan ke pessangpulo a'pa'i?
B2: Liwa' ci'di' tatte' annan.
A3: Apara napugauk to tau ke sampei to bulan?
B3: Ia to baine biasa natampakki beluakkana, dikua ade'na naloboran ia'rika namalabung beluakkana. Ia to pangbara'bah biasa mantanan kaluku dikua ade'na namasampean buanna.



Full Moon

A1: What phase is the moon now?
B1: The moon is full.
A2: What time is moonrise if the moon is full?
B2: A little past six in the morning.
A3: What kinds of work do people do if it’s a full moon?
B3: Women cut their hair so that, it’s said, their hair will remain full and grow fast. Farmers plant coconut, supposedly, so that their trees will produce lots of fruit.

Percakapan berikut: Fasting Month

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