Birds (32)

Bahasa Duri


A1: La mekutanana', manuk-manuk apa unamora to ntee mai?
B1: Cui, langkan, denah, bu'kuh, totosik, keak, kaok, kajo', buda rupanna.
A2: Manuk-manuk apara to wa'ding dikande?
B2: Denah, bu'kuh, kajo'.
A3: Apara dipake ke njokkoki' manuk-manuk?
B3: Pangrampanan, dikabua' jio mai kajaoh sola tanglah. Wa'ding too diba'tikan.
A4: Manuk-manuk apara to dipiara, madoi' mangkada?
B4: Disanga keak sola dora'.




A1: May I ask what kind of birds there are here?
B1: Black sparrows, hawks, sparrows, wood pigeons, owls, cockatoos, crows, herons, and many other kinds.
A2: What kinds of birds can be eaten?
B2: Sparrows, pigeons, and herons.
A3: What is used to catch birds?
B3: Cage traps made of bamboo with grass stalks. But they can also be snared.
A4: Which birds can be kept as pets and quickly learn to talk?
B4: Cockatoos and parrots.


Next Dialogue: Anoa

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